Monday, May 19, 2014

IU Professor Describes the Origins of the Asian ‘Model Minority’ in the U.S. - Higher Education

IU Professor Describes the Origins of the Asian ‘Model Minority’ in the U.S. - Higher Education: The story of the Chinese and Japanese in the U.S. is one of ups and downs, ranging from hostility to acceptance.

It’s also a story about a huge shift in image. Over several decades, these Asians have gone from being “the yellow peril” to “the model minority.”

True to the stereotype, many Asians are hard workers, are law-abiding, value family ties and excel at school.

But the “model” image, which Asians have actively fostered themselves, hasn’t always had positive effects.

It may have made Americans see Asians in simplistic ways, says Ellen Wu, author of the recently published book “The Color of Success: Asian Americans and the Origins of the Model Minority.”

But isn’t “model minority” a “good” stereotype?