Saturday, September 01, 2012

Marian Wright Edelman: The Racial Divide: Will It Widen Or Close?

Marian Wright Edelman: The Racial Divide: Will It Widen Or Close?: I often say to people who come to the Schomburg that the crisis of today is a consequence of not one, but two generations born after the Civil Rights Movement who have been deliberately kept from their history.

-- Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad, June 2012

When Dr. Khalil Muhammad speaks, people listen. He is a scholar, historian and the director of the New York Public Library’s renowned Schomburg Center for Research in black Culture. Dr. Muhammad knows a lot about the importance of being mindful of learning from history. When he spoke about equality of opportunity to 1,800 young leaders at a Children’s Defense Fund’s Haley Farm leadership training session in June, he explained that our nation is testing the old saying “those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”