Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Black Female Exercise Groups: Fighting Weight and Winning

Black Female Exercise Groups: Fighting Weight and Winning: With hard work, determination, friendship and sometimes faith, a group of black women have mounted a successful, national battle against obesity that's helping women in communities all over the country.

Surprised? That's expected. Recent media coverage of obesity among black women provides a near-constant diet of stereotypes and hopelessness, while giving sisters a public scolding for supposedly choosing to be fat.

A study conducted at Cardiff University in England, for example, reported that black girls are "less sensitive to the effects of physical activity" when it comes to weight loss. CBS News, the Los Angeles Times and U.S. News & World Report, among other outlets, jumped on the story -- each failing to question the accuracy of self-reported data gathered from 13-year-olds or why the researchers identified the girls solely by race without at least discussing their ethnic origins, since there is no genetic basis for skin color.