Filipinos Debate Racism in a Men's Magazine - Some merely saw an alluring photo of a light-skinned Filipina actress in a swimsuit, Bela Padilla, emerging from a group of dark-skinned models, with the caption, “Stepping Out of the Shadows.” Sexy, they said. Artistic.

Others found the photo to be racist and repugnant.The outcry and outrage were enough that Summit Media, the local publisher of FHM magazine, apologized and pulled the magazine. The company said in a statement that it would release the March issue with a new cover, one that would again feature Ms. Padilla.Summit publishes more than 20 magazines in the Philippines, including Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Disney Junior and Town & Country. Summit says FHM is the largest men’s magazine in the country, with more than 1 million readers a month.
“DISGUSTING representation of colorism and racism in the Philippines!’’ said Michelle Renee See on Twitter.