Thursday, June 19, 2014

Migration Policy Institute Details Impact of Funding Cuts on Immigrant Youth in California - Higher Education

Migration Policy Institute Details Impact of Funding Cuts on Immigrant Youth in California - Higher Education: After suffering what was arguably the most severe state budget crisis in the nation, California has begun to pull itself out of the recession. Its public school systems were particularly impacted by the loss of funds. As the state rebounds, the question remains of how to rebuild the public school system to best serve the needs of California’s current population.

The Migration Policy Institute released a report Wednesday, “Critical Choices in Post Recession California: Investing in the Educational and Career Success of Immigrant Youth,” addressing just that issue. A full 54 percent of youth in California are immigrants or children of immigrants—3.3 million youth between the ages of 16 and 26.

Though immigrant youth are heavily represented demographically, they were hit hard by the effects of the recession.