Thursday, June 05, 2014

Elliot Rodger at the Sometimes Troubling Intersection of Race and Gender - Higher Education

Elliot Rodger at the Sometimes Troubling Intersection of Race and Gender - Higher Education: Many have now heard of Elliot Rodger, the self-hating, misogynistic 22-year-old man who shot more than a dozen people and murdered six in Isla Vista, Calif., before turning the gun on himself and ending his own life. After this latest chapter of “angry young White male gone mad,” columnists, bloggers, psychologists and others weighed in with their views. Predictably, there were some websites ― primarily right of center ones like Paul Bois of Truth Revolt ― that tried to promote the argument that, since the majority of Rodger’s victims were male, critics who were denouncing his behavior by pointing out his history of misogyny were misguided in their viewpoints.

Others argued that certain feminists and some other women were playing the “gender card.” Some political commentators like RedState founder Erick Erickson offered the explanation that tragedies like the irrational shooting and the behavior of young millennial men like Elliot Rodger are a result of the “decline of chivalry” as well as society’s rejection of Victorian values.