Saturday, January 11, 2014

Video project challenges stereotypes of black men - The Washington Post

Video project challenges stereotypes of black men - The Washington Post: “Question Bridge: Black Males,” a five-channel video installation project produced by artists Chris Johnson and Hank Willis Thomas in collaboration with Bayeté Ross Smith and Kamal Sinclair, was created to combat stereotypes and misconceptions about African American men and inspire an open dialogue about what it is to be a black male in America.

In the video-mediated exchanges collected for the project, participants had the opportunity to pose and answer questions, typically offered by a black male of a different generation and demographic background than their own, about what it means to be “black” and “male” in America. The wide-ranging themes include, but are not limited to, family, love, faith, community, education, violence, masculinity and the future of black men in America.