Friday, January 24, 2014

Black Scholars: Sincerity Key to Academy’s Dealing With Faculty Prospects - Higher Education

Black Scholars: Sincerity Key to Academy’s Dealing With Faculty Prospects - Higher Education: Colleges and universities looking for advice on best practices for recruiting and retaining faculty of color, got candid advice here Thursday from three Black scholars offering tips based on their own experiences navigating the academy.

In the blunt, oft times humorous exchanges with colleagues from across the country gathered for the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the scholars cordially disagreed on some strategic advice for their peers.

By the same token they were in agreement in their advice that institutions need to look and be receptive to faculty prospects who are not cookie cutter versions of existing faculty, that recruiting needs to be sincere not just hiring done to fill a quota and leaders of an institution should work at ensuring the college or university has a cultural landscape and environment that is understanding and receptive to the ordinary needs of faculty of color.