Friday, November 15, 2013

23ABC News - Study: More Latino students applying for college, few gradutating - Bakersfield News, Bakersfield, California News & Bakersfield News Local Headlines - KERO TurnTo23

23ABC News - Study: More Latino students applying for college, few gradutating - Bakersfield News, Bakersfield, California News & Bakersfield News Local Headlines - KERO TurnTo23: A new study released by the Campaign for College Opportunity states that although more Latinos are applying for college in California, a very low number of them are actually graduating.

The study explains that only about 11 percent of Latino students are obtaining their bachelor degrees. That is compared to 39 percent of white students and 23 percent of African American students.

The author of the study explains that one major roadblock to Latino students' success begins from preparation. Throughout the state, the study explains students are not receiving the education to help them succeed at the college level.

“Eighty-five percent of incoming students are assessed to be unprepared for college-level math and 70 percent unprepared for college-level English,” the study read.

Amber Chiang, with Bakersfield College said the school does see many of its students come into college unprepared.
"Their testing in one or two degrees below collegiate level preparedness in math and english and that really slows down their ability to get the degree," said Chiang.

The study explains that if the rate at which Latino students are applying were to equal graduation rates, the state could profit economically.