Sunday, June 30, 2013

Legalese Aside, How Do We Talk About Race Nowadays? : Code Switch : NPR

Legalese Aside, How Do We Talk About Race Nowadays? : Code Switch : NPR: This was a week in which the country was reminded of our continuing struggle with race — and how we're still not quite sure how to talk about it.

The conversation started with the actions of the Supreme Court: A key provision of the Voting Rights Act , and the University of Texas was its affirmative action policy.

But it soon moved to events outside the Supreme Court — to the of George Zimmerman and celebrity chef Paula Deen's against accusations of racism.

"[The Deen incident] speaks to the difficulty I think Americans have now with identifying discrimination," says Gene Demby, lead blogger for NPR's . "The Paula Deen conversation quickly turned into a conversation about the inner-workings of her soul, right? Whether or not she was actually a racist."