Segregated Prom: NAACP Lobbies Wilcox County, Ga., School Board Over Racial Segregation: Leaders of the Georgia NAACP have urged education authorities in the state to end a school's practice of allowing racially segregated proms.
"These children want to go to prom together. I cannot understand that in the year 2013 there are segregated proms in Wilcox County," said Edward DuBose, President of the Georgia NAACP.
The children in question are the students of Wilcox County High School, which has a longstanding practice of having both separate proms and homecomings for black and white students. The proms are not organized or endorsed by the school.
The NAACP asked the school board Tuesday to change their policy of not sponsoring proms, which would allow the segregated proms to continue, and sponsor one official prom for everyone, according to WALB.