Wednesday, October 24, 2012

North Carolina HBCU Students Embrace Technology to Discuss Foreign Policy - Higher Education

North Carolina HBCU Students Embrace Technology to Discuss Foreign Policy - Higher Education: DURHAM, N.C. — With the recent explosion of social media, it’s no surprise that many of the biggest issues of the 2012 presidential campaign have been raised and examined through that medium. This has been especially true of the presidential debates, when, within seconds, phrases like #FireBigBird, #BindersOfWomen and #HorsesAndBayonets instantly became household phrases and dominated news cycles.

Like millions of others, North Carolina Central University’s Stefan Weathers has been paying very close attention to the debates between President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The Charlotte, N.C., native said he has definitely noticed a significant amount of political discussion in his own online social network.

“My Twitter timeline has been flooded with people tweeting about the issues,” he said. “You will see #Debate2012 tweets and things like that.”