Tuesday, October 09, 2012

At U. Of Texas, A Melting Pot Not Fully Blended : NPR

At U. Of Texas, A Melting Pot Not Fully Blended : NPR: On Wednesday, the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in a landmark case about race and college admissions. In 2008, a white student named Abigail Fisher was denied admission to the University of Texas, Austin.

Fisher sued the university, claiming she was denied admission because of her race. Her suit, Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, could mean the end of admissions policies that take race into account.

The key argument in favor of affirmative action policies is the notion that diverse campuses benefit everyone. In previous cases, justices have ruled that a campus with a diverse student body promotes cross-racial understanding and a robust exchange of ideas, while also helping to break down stereotypes.

Today, University of Texas students say their diverse campus of 52,000 students does provide opportunities for students of different backgrounds to interact. But, some note, despite the racial and ethnic mix, divides and stereotypes still exist.