What if HBCU's Never Existed? | News One: Well, this week we celebrate four giant letters, folks… H– B – C – U. That’s right, each year in mid-September, we recognize National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week.
Some of you may recall the online hypothetical scenario from a number of years ago that examined what the world would be if there were no black people. Well, today, I want us to consider what our community and our modern world would be if our HBCUs never existed.
Just imagine how the field of education itself would be without the contributions of Mary McCloud Bethune or Booker T. Washington, the founders of Bethune Cookman College and Tuskegee University…
What state would American race relations be in if the NAACP hadn’t been co-founded at the turn of the 20th Century by Fisk University alum W.E.B. DuBois? Or what would the state of world literature be without the writings and poems of Lincoln University’s Langston Hughes or the groundbreaking novels of Nobel Prize winner, and Howard alum Toni Morrison?