Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Other Nations Outclass U.S. on Education - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Other Nations Outclass U.S. on Education - CBS Evening News - CBS News: ...Of 30 comparable countries, the United States ranks near the bottom. Take math - Finland is first, followed by South Korea, and the United States is number 25. Same story in science: Finland, number one again. The United States? Number 21.

Where does the United States outrank Finland? On the amount spent per student: just over $129,000 from K through 12. The other countries average $95,000.

"We have world class expenditures, but not world class results," said Schneider.

When it comes to high school graduation rates, the United States is 20th on the list. Germany, Japan, Korea and the U.K. all do better with graduation rates of 90 percent or more. In the Unites States, it's just 75 percent.

It's not so much that the United States has slowed down in the last half a century, it's more that other countries sped up.