University of Maryland Names First Asian American To Assume School's Presidency: COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Dr. Wallace D. Loh was appointed Tuesday as president of the University of Maryland's flagship campus in College Park.
Loh, the provost of the University of Iowa, will succeed C.D. “Dan” Mote Jr., who has served as president for 12 years. Loh starts Nov. 1; until then, provost Nariman Farvardin will serve as interim president.
Loh, 65, has more than 30 years of experience in higher education and will become the first Asian to serve as U-Md. president. He was born in Shanghai, China, and immigrated with his family to Lima, Peru, where he graduated from high school. He then moved alone to Iowa, graduating from Grinnell College with a degree in psychology. He later earned degrees from Yale University, the University of Michigan and Cornell University.