Initiative Eases Student Transfers from Community Colleges to HBCUs - Higher Education: This kind of early access and academic support are among the benefits Baker and about 325 other community college students are receiving through the HBCU-Community College Initiative, spearheaded by the African-American women’s service organization, The Links, Inc. This three-year, $500,000 program is aimed at channeling community college students to HBCUs while removing many of the barriers that often keep those at two-year institutions from graduating and transferring.
Like Baker, Elysse Greenwood, a 29-year-old nursing major, is one of 26 TCC students selected to be a “Links Scholar.” As she prepares to pursue her bachelor’s degree in nursing at Norfolk State University and inch closer to her dream of becoming a psych nurse, the doubts Greenwood once had about being “college material” and smart enough to succeed at a four-year institution are far behind her. But when she leaves TCC, The Links safety net and supports Greenwood has been given won’t go away.