Thursday, June 21, 2012

Latino Diabetes Assn.'s keeper of the flame -

Latino Diabetes Assn.'s keeper of the flame - ...Munoz was angry. He is often incensed. One out of eight Latino adults in Los Angeles County has been diagnosed with diabetes, a rate more than two times higher than for white adults, according to a 2007 survey taken for the Department of Public Health. Poor, Spanish-speaking Latinos are particularly vulnerable because they are much less likely to have access to information about the disease, decent medical care and healthy foods.

"We need your help, guys. So dig in those deep pockets that I know you've got and that your friends have and help us out, help us help the community," said Munoz, vice chairman of the nonprofit Latino Diabetes Assn.

For the last seven years, typically volunteering more than 20 hours a week, Munoz has struggled to put the Latino Diabetes Assn. on a solid financial footing.