College Success Foundation Celebrates 10 Years of Helping Students: Minority and low-income children in the United States are suffering from an educational achievement gap. Only 51.2 percent of African-American students and 55 percent of Hispanic students earn a high school diploma in four years. Getting through college is an even bigger hurdle, with just 38.9 percent of African-American and 46.5 percent of Hispanic students graduating in four years—that is, if they’re lucky enough to attend in the first place.
The College Success Foundation, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, provides scholarships and a variety of other assistance to underserved youths, many of whom have grown up in poverty. On Wednesday, the organization released a report highlighting its success in preparing middle and high school students to enter college, graduate, and then return the favor to other young people in their communities who are facing the same challenges that they once did.