Do you pray before bed? - Faith & Reason: The National Sleep Foundation's annual 'Sleep in America' poll finds that we're not getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, not surprising given the stress from the economy and Americans' busy-ness. But the poll did bring to light some interesting findings on before-bed rituals.
When asked about activities done every night or almost every night, African-Americans were most likely to report praying or doing another religious activity (71%), having sex (10%) and watching TV (75%). Asians were least likely to pray (18%), have sex (1%) or watch TV (52%). Hispanics and whites fall in the middle, every night or almost every night ...
* Praying or doing another religious activity before bed: 45% Hispanics, 32% Whites
* Having sex in the hour before bed: 10% Hispanics, 4% Whites
* Watching TV: 72% Hispanics, 64% Whites
Many adults, even those who don't pray before bed now, were taught to do so as children.