Debaters Find Common Ground on Need for College Accountability: WASHINGTON – Veteran higher education leaders, sparring over whether the U.S. workforce will need to increase its production of college graduates to remain a “world class” economic power, found common ground in urging that universities be held more accountable for providing a high-quality education that prepares students for the labor market. During a live Internet broadcast, the debaters, including United Negro College Fund president and CEO Dr. Michael Lomax and former U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings as partners, waged vigorous defenses of their respective positions but found agreement on how higher education’s historic lack of accountability has hindered U.S. college and university productivity.
Hosted by the University of Virginia’s Miller Center for Public Affairs this past Friday, debaters considered the resolution: To remain a world class economic power, the U.S. needs more college graduates in the workforce. Lomax and Spellings spoke in favor of the resolution.