Tolerance.org: Teaching Tolerance: Anti-Muslim Church Sign Draws Protest: People of many faiths – and of no faith at all -- turn out to protest a church sign that declares 'Islam is of the Devil.'
by Tim Lockette
Residents of Gainesville, Fla. were shocked to find the words 'Islam is of the Devil' on a prominent sign in front of a local church.
An act of vandalism? Apparently not.
Leaders of Dove World Ministries placed the sign in front of their church to 'expose Islam' as 'a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to mascarade (sic) itself as a religion of peace,' according to the church’s website.
The church's neighbors see things differently. A diverse group of local residents, including Christians, Jews, Muslims and freethinkers, held a protest to show they don't support the sign's message. 'Having this sign here without anyone saying anything makes us all complicit,' said one protester.