Tom Shales - CNN "Black In America" Is An Expressive Portrait - washingtonpost.com: "Going back to such ancient classics as 'The Plow That Broke the Plains' and 'Harvest of Shame,' the best documentaries have been those that engage the heart as well as the brain. Two new entries in CNN's ongoing 'Black in America' project manage precisely that feat, reporting in words and pictures of equal expressiveness on the current state of African American life in the United States.
A viewer is likely to come away with memories not of statistics but of images -- the real-life anecdotes and vignettes that supplement numbers with faces and experiences. In Part 1, airing tonight, among the most poignant stories is that of a 60-year-old woman, whom we first meet apologizing for her tears as she languishes in a Harlem hospital bed, correspondent Soledad O'Brien at her side."