Mentors Help Boys Become Men - washingtonpost.com: For many teenagers, Saturday mornings are reserved for sleep.
But not for a group of students in the Suitland High School library at 10 a.m. one recent Saturday. They were part of a weekly academic tutoring program, 'Go-to-High-School, Go-to-College,' sponsored by Pi Upsilon Lambda, the Prince George's County chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.
The program provides no-cost academic support to county high school students as part of the fraternity's effort to boost the number of youths from Prince George's who graduate from high school and go to college.
"Education is the foundation for everything this chapter does," said Anthony Harris, associate editor of the Sphinx, the chapter's publication.
The fraternity brothers began tutoring in Prince George's County high schools in 1993, the same year the chapter was founded. The chapter has grown to about 70 members, many of whom volunteer as tutors from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.