Friday, July 04, 2014

Freedom To NOT Celebrate Independence Day : The Protojournalist : NPR

Freedom To NOT Celebrate Independence Day : The Protojournalist : NPR: Celebrating Independence Day on July Fourth is as American as burgers and dogs on the grill, lemonade in plastic cups, apple pie on paper plates, baseball, fireworks and Sousa marches.

Except for those Americans who don't celebrate it at all.

Like William H. Lamar IV. Last year the African-American preacher from Hyattsville, Md., wrote an essay that was carried by The Huffington Post. In it he asked: "How can I celebrate liberty with bondage — economic bondage, educational bondage, political bondage, health care bondage, and religious bondage — all around me?"

On the Fourth of July, he continued, "I will reflect on America as it was and as it is. And I will affirm my allegiance to my ancestors whose fight lives on in me."