Report finds ‘many obstacles to achieving equality’ for black federal employees - The Washington Post: Imagine Uncle Sam officiating a track meet where one team has a clear inside lane, while the others have to jump one hurdle after another.
That’s the image invoked by an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report that cites “many obstacles to achieving equality for African Americans in the federal workforce.”
One big problem is federal agencies do too little to enforce laws and regulations against racial bias within their own shops.
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which oversees federal workplace issues, said “one of the most significant problems is that federal agencies simply do not follow the law. Too few agencies have comprehensive diversity and inclusion plans required by Executive Order 13583, and too many agencies fail to comply with EEOC directives. In addition, the EEOC itself has suffered from long-term underfunding and understaffing over the past decade, and these problems will now be exacerbated by sequestration.”