Young Latinas asked to trade sports for chores:... In addition to cultural barriers, many times young Latinas can’t afford to participate in sports. According to a recent survey by the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, a school pay-to-play fee was charged for 61 percent of sports participants and the average fee was $93. Twenty-one percent of the children had to pay a fee of $150 or more. Including additional team fees and other costs, the average cost for sports participation was $381.
These fees may keep many young Latinas from engaging in school sports. Teens from lower-income families participate in sports in much lower rates than teens from higher-income families. Cristina Gil, 21, says that her father was unsupportive when she wanted to play sports. “He didn’t see it as something he should spend money on.” For Rivera, it was the cost and the lack of parental involvement because her parents were always working. “They were never around nor had the money to register us when we were younger.”