California Program Grooms Math, Science Teachers for Urban K-12 Schools: ...This past academic year, Cal Teach enrolled 250 students—32 percent White, 30 percent Asian, 21 percent Hispanic and 4 percent Black—who took courses such as “Classroom Interactions in Science and Math: A Focus on Equity and Urban Schools” and “It’s Elementary! Exploring Math With Young Students.” Cal Teach is limited to undergraduates who are math, science and engineering majors. Some may opt not to teach full-time, but “teaching crosses many careers, and we want them capable of increasing public understanding of science,” says Dr. Nicci Nunes, a chemist who runs the Cal Teach program.
Supported by a National Math and Science Initiative grant, Cal Teach was replicated from a University of Texas at Austin “UTeach” program established in 1997. Replications like Cal Teach are now at more than 20 institutions nationally, including Temple, Northern Arizona and Cleveland State universities.