Friday, September 11, 2009

Excelencia in Education :: Programs :: Events

Excelencia in Education :: Programs :: Events: The evaluation of the Limited English Proficiency and Hispanic Workers Initiative is an effort to gauge the effectiveness of five demonstration projects that each implemented different models of contextualized learning via an implementation analysis. This session will explore ways to raise the bar on implementation studies to obtain evidence-based information for future pilots and demonstrations. Come and learn about the different models the grantees employed, promising practices gleaned from the field, and recommendations for future demonstrations.

Patrick Dail, Project Director, VESL for a Successful Worker, CUNY Research Foundation, NY (Grantee)
Deborah Santiago, Principal Investigator, LEPHWI Evaluation, Excelencia in Education

Heidi M. Casta, Director, Division of Research and Demonstrations, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.