Thursday, July 11, 2013

First-ever conference dedicates agenda to criminalization and over-suspension of Latino and African American students | Latina Lista

First-ever conference dedicates agenda to criminalization and over-suspension of Latino and African American students | Latina Lista: LatinaLista — This weekend in Washington DC, educators, school administrators, community activists, law enforcement and students from across the country are getting together for the first-ever national conference to talk about what can be done to stop funneling so many students into the juvenile justice system for misbehaving in school. The more popular term is the school-to-prison pipeline.

The “We Can Do Better: Collaborating to Reform School Discipline and Accountability,” sponsored by the Advancement Project, a multi-racial civil rights organization, is spearheading the inaugural conference that goes from July 11-13.

At a time when it’s imperative that more students graduate from high school and go on to fill the jobs needed to advance our economy, it makes little sense that more than 3 million students are suspended from school every year due to run-ins with teachers and school officials.