'Brilliant' Report On Obesity in African-American Girls Navigates Race : NPR Ombudsman : NPR: Two reactions are common when a negative news report comes out about our own race or ethnic group. One, I want to know more, so I can confront the problem. Or, two, why are they pointing fingers at us?
A recent report on Morning Edition about the high rate of obesity among African-American girls sparked both reactions. It's the latter one that is troubling.
"I was once again appalled to hear about an issue that has nothing to do with race framed in a racial context," wrote Carolyn Casey, of Boston, MA. "The fact of the matter is that the lack of exercise increases EVERYONE'S risk of obesity, which is why over 60% of ALL Americans are considered overweight or obese."
Listener Kwende Madu commented: "I would ask that NPR refrain from publishing stories that concern the African-American community as this only gives racist elements an excuse to vent their hatred. I have no doubt that this particular problem will be handled internally and the African community will emerge stronger much to the dismay of our enemies."