'Father's Day?' Film Addresses Issues of Fatherless Homes: Actresses Ashley Shante and Squeaky Moore are hoping their new film "Father's Day?" will encourage discussion about what they call "the elephant in the room," namely the absence of black fathers from an alarming number of African-American homes.
"No one is mentioning the elephant," Moore, coproducer of the film, told The Huffington Post. "We want to hit them with a story to understand the emotional impact."
The short film was produced by Dear Diary Productions, a film production company Shante founded, whose objective is to raise awareness about the impact of fatherlessness on the black community.
Various reports have been published about the percentage of black babies born to unmarried mothers, with percentages varying from the high 60s to low 70s. According to a study of childbearing among unmarried mothers by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 72 percent of black babies were born to unwed mothers in 2010.