Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maryland has nation's highest rate of students who pass an AP test before graduating -

Maryland has nation's highest rate of students who pass an AP test before graduating - ...The results for the graduating seniors in the majority-black D.C. school system reflected a national pattern: The College Board noted that African American students tended to be under-represented among those who had passed an AP test. 'Major initiatives are needed to ensure adequate preparation of students in middle school and ninth and 10th grades so that all students will have an equitable chance at success when they go on to take AP courses and exams later in high school,' the report concluded.

The College Board, a nonprofit organization based in New York, oversees the AP and SAT testing programs. A score of 3 or higher on a 5-point scale is considered a passing mark for an AP test and can earn credit at many colleges. The most popular of the three-hour tests are in U.S. history, English literature, English language and calculus.