Tribal College Educator Raises America’s Multiethnic Profile: Louie Gong, an education resource coordinator at Muckleshoot Tribal College in Auburn, Wash., is well-versed on issues of multiculturalism and mixed-race heritage but he isn't an expert and has no intentions of becoming one.
In fact, he's the 'anti-expert.'
As an emerging voice for mixed-race populations, Gong refuses to make sweeping generalizations about a diverse group of people in the way an expert might.
'There is no one mixed-race experience. You can't generalize what it is like to be a mixed-race person across geographical regions or socioeconomic statuses,' Gong says.
Gong, who has Native American, Chinese, Scottish and French heritage, is trying to assist a new generation in comprehending what it means to be multiethnic in America and he uses technology and the nonprofit organization he leads, called MAVIN, to do it.