Diverse 25th Anniversary: In observance of a quarter century of publishing the 25th Anniversary National Summit and Celebration will be THE professional development event for leaders in higher education as well as people and organizations that help institutions of higher education build their power and impact on behalf of students and faculty of color.
A virtual “who’s who” of American educational, political, and policy leaders will come together to reflect on where we have been for the last 25 years, but more importantly to develop action plans to successfully guide our collective future.
The purpose of this gathering is for all of us to work together to “raise the bar” on the quality of the curricula, outcomes, management, governance and leadership services that we provide in the field of education.
* Identity Preservation in a diverse world
* Networking in achieving your Scholarly, Research and Career Goals
* Unclogging the Pipeline: Brilliant Innovations that work
* Climates that foster success
* Public Policy: The Obama Effect and New Rules of Engagement
* HBCU’s and TWI’s: Intensifying Collaborations
* Testing: (Un) Necessary–A look at the future and more