College Basketball Graduation Rates - NCAA Men's Basketball Basketball athletes at Division I universities are bringing in the ‘game,’ but are they making the ‘grade?’ Here, Diverse presents basketball student-athlete graduation rates for NCAA Division I schools and historically Black colleges and universities.
Most of the data below comes from the National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS database on enrollment and six-year graduation rates at major institutions, broken down by sport and race, as reported by students. The 2002 numbers reflect how many students who enrolled in 1996 graduated by 2002. The data only reflect those who have received athletic financial aid. However, IPEDS did not have graduation data for all Division I teams. For example, most Ivy League institutions did not report student-athlete graduation data because they do not offer athletics aid.
For the most recent data, graduation rates for 2006, we have to turn to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which receives data directly from the schools and makes them available faster than NCES. The NCAA only provided Graduation Success Rates (GSR) for schools by race/ethnicity, sport and gender, but not raw enrollment data.