La. beating case stirs racial anger - USATODAY.com: "A grass-roots movement is spreading across black America in support of six black high school students charged with attempted murder for beating a white classmate in the small Louisiana town of Jena. On black radio, black college campuses and websites from YouTube to Facebook, the young men known as the Jena 6 are being held up as symbols of unequal and unfair treatment of blacks in a case that evokes the Deep South's Jim Crow era, complete with nooses hanging from a tree. 'People are fed up,' says Esther Iverem, 47, a Washington, D.C., writer who runs a website called Seeingblack.com, which has featured articles about the Jena 6. 'It's another case of young black men railroaded unjustly. We do not want to see this happen to young boys who got involved in a school fight.' Tenisha Wilkerson, 20, of Chicago, posted a page on Facebook supporting the Jena 6. It has attracted 35,000 members. 'Why is this kind of thing still going on?' she asks."