Busboys and Poets Books
Questioning...challenging...re-thinking...the world behind the headlines.
Operated by Teaching for Change
Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:30 – 8:00pm
Gary Howard will give a presentation based on his best-selling book, We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools, 2nd Edition. “Borrowing from the words of Malcolm X, ‘We can't teach what we don't know, and we can't lead where we can't go,’ Gary Howard's book acts on both points. He explains why teachers mustn't ‘fake it,’ but must acquire the knowledge, skills, and disposition to successfully teach all students. A great book for teacher-candidates and experienced teachers.” —Carl A. Grant, Hoefs-Bascom Professor, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Gary Howard outlines what good teachers know, what they do, and how they embrace culturally responsive teaching. The second edition includes a new introduction and a new chapter that speak directly to current issues such as closing the achievement gap, and to recent legislation such as No Child Left Behind. With our nation’s student population becoming ever more diverse, and teachers remaining largely White, this book is now more important than ever. A must-read in universities and school systems throughout the country, We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know continues to facilitate and deepen the discussion of race and social justice in education.
The book is on sale at the Busboys and Poets Bookstore, operated by Teaching for Change, and Gary Howard will sign copies following the presentation.
A $3 donation is requested at the door. Reservation required, RSVP: admin@teachingforchange.org.