RedNova News - Science - Cultural Relevance And Computer-Assisted Instruction: "This paper presents the results of an exploratory study on Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) and its implications for the education of African-American children. The research examines how a culturally relevant context supports African-American students' task engagement and their ability to solve mathematics and science problems. The context is anchored to the content as we employ history and culture as conceptual lenses to capture a shared legacy that students bring to situated curriculum tasks. The Underground Railroad was selected as the theme to situate student learning because of the wealth of children's literature on this topic, its historical significance, and the recent attention that has been given to it with the publication of A Bondwoman's Narrative (Crafts, 2002). Curriculum development involves the design and use of computer software to engage children in culturally relevant simulations, and a learning management system tracks student progress and outcomes."
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