US immigration laws bow to the bigots and the opportunists | Gary Younge | Comment is free | While travelling along the US-Mexican border, from Brownsville to San Diego, I met a man in New Mexico who went by the name of Quasimodo who claimed he "could tell an 'illegal' by looking at them". I found this doubtful, and so asked Quasimodo, one of the Minutemen, an anti-immigrant vigilante group how. "It's like wild dog versus tame dog. They just don't have the same kind of look."
Preposterous as Quasimodo's claim may sound, this crude and offensive rule of thumb has, in many states, become the rule of law. Legislation in Alabama, Arizona and elsewhere gives police the right to check the immigration status of those they 'suspect' of being undocumented.
This has effectively given bigots with badges a licence to go hunting with impunity for "wild dogs". Earlier this week a Justice Department investigation into Maricopa County, Arizona (which includes Phoenix) found the sheriff's department conducting raids against illegal immigrants because "dark-skinned" people speaking Spanish were reported congregating in an area.